XCL Staff and Affiliates
Alexander J. M. Miller
Associate Professor
XCL Committee Chair
Email: ajmm@mail.unc.edu
Phone: (919) 962-4618
James F. Cahoon
Core Executive Director
Email: jfcahoon@ad.unc.edu
Phone: (919) 962-3386
Jeffrey S. Johnson
A. Ronald Gallant Distinguished Professor
Email: jsj@unc.edu
Phone: (919) 843-4936
Ralph L. House
Associate Chair
Email: rlhouse@email.unc.edu
Phone: (919) 843-4936
Quinton J. Bruch
Graduate Student
Email: qjbruch@live.unc.edu
Current Student and Postdoctoral Users
Quinton J. Bruch
Graduate Student
Miller Group
Email: qjbruch@live.unc.edu
Jared M. Lowe
Graduate Student
Gagné Group
Email: jmlowe@live.unc.edu
Tia Cervarich
Graduate Student
Meek Group
Email: tncervar@live.unc.edu
Neyen Romano
Graduate Student
Gagné Group
Email: neyen@live.unc.edu
Aldo M. Jordan
Graduate Student
Dempsey Group
Email: aldo3327@live.unc.edu
Adam J. Zahara
Graduate Student
Wilkerson-Hill Group
Email: ajzahara@live.unc.edu
Jun Hu
Postdoctoral Scholar
You Group
Email: junhu@live.unc.edu
Liang Yan
Postdoctoral Scholar
You Group
Email: lyan@live.unc.edu