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Sample Submission and Tracking

Please pick up your sample as soon as possible after completion of the project.

The XCL stores all single-crystal raw data in the laboratory storage station, and the analysis results (including fully-refined .CIF, Structure factor file .FCF, full report, and CheckCif .PDF) are sent to the collaborators via email.  Access to sample data can be requested by PI group involved in the project.  Trained users who conduct independent single crystal diffraction experiments are responsible for their refinement result. The raw files are archived by the XCL staff.

Acknowledgement and co-authorship

XCL Staff collaborates with researchers to conduct crystallographic experiments and elucidate solid state structures. If a manuscript or scientific presentation includes intellectual work by the XCL collaborator, for example, for a single crystal structure, if geometrical parameters are discussed and an ellipsoid plot is shown, then co-authorship is requested and the collaborator should be involved in the manuscript preparation. In all other cases please acknowledge the XCL staff member(s).

For all publications resulting from the use of instrumentation in the XCL, please include in the publication acknowledgements:

“We thank the University of North Carolina’s Department of Chemistry X-ray Crystallography Core Laboratory, [especially (person’s name)], for their assistance with mass spectrometry analysis.”

Additional acknowledgements for individual platforms:

For all publications resulting from the use of Bruker D8 VENTURE, please include in the publication acknowledgements:

“This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (CHE-2117287).”

If you are not utilizing this acknowledgment in articles or papers published for scientific, technical or professional journals, you must also include the following disclaimer:

“Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”


Access to the Laboratory

Trained users will have key card access to the laboratory area and conduct experiments without XCL personnel supervision. For experiments performed afterhours, at least two trained and approved users must be present when operating the diffractometers and the doors to the laboratory must remain locked. If you locked yourself out, please call the XCL director. In an emergency, call 911 and then inform the laboratory director.